The International Conference On Antimicrobial Resistance & Microbiome Under Changing Climate (AMRMIC) took place on the 10th-12th of October 2022 at Pondicherry University. This was followed by the conference on Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance (CAMR) at AVMC.

To find out more about AMRMIC, CAMR and, similar events, visit our news page.

An International Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance Microbiome Under Changing Climate (AMRMIC)- Inaugural lighting of the lamp

An International Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance Microbiome Under Changing Climate (AMRMIC)-  Inaugural lighting of the lamp

AMRMIC was inaugurated by Prof Gurmeet Singh, Vice-Chancellor of Pondicherry University.

An International Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance Microbiome Under Changing Climate (AMRMIC) - Day One

An International Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance Microbiome Under Changing Climate (AMRMIC) - Day One

Prof Voulvoulis and Prof Sriskandan presented at Pondicherry University, on the first day of AMRMIC.

An International Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance Microbiome Under Changing Climate (CAMR)

The AMRWATCH team participating in CAMR.


Prof Sriskandan giving a presentation at CAMR.

Dr Ana Vieira participating in CAMR at AMVC.

Dr Giakoumis participating in CAMR at AVMC.

Dr Freeman participating in CAMR at AVMC.

Contact us

For further information on the project, please contact:

Prinicpal Investigator: Professor Nick Voulvoulis 

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 7459

Centre for Environmental Policy: Weeks Building, 16-18 Prince's Gardens, London, SW7 1NE